Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good is bad today

So i have done phenominal this week. i tracked every day, i cooked, i worked out, i did everything. But today at the weigh in i gained .8 :( I didnt understand and immediatley got upset. But then i talked to my friend Joe and he was saying how he gained too because he made the mistake of eating soup. DAMNIT!! I had soup for lunch. I thought, well its healthy and will keep me full. Well it was holding onto all my water because of the dang sodium! Plus, my leader was telling me that if i want to work out legit, it's amazing but i will be fighting the scale with muscle and such. So i just need to remember that i felt amazing before 6:20 and i just need to do the same this week and it will show on the scale next Tuesday. Ahhhh I was just really excited and i love the numbers but i definitley feel good :)


  1. Wait - did you weigh at the end of the day, or after you'd eaten something? That's probably the reason for it, my dear! :) Great job this week!

  2. It's okay Kelly. Just a blip. Your friend is right too, if it's not soup you make yourself it's full of sodium. Tons of it.

    Also, you've been working out like a crazy girl and that's what happens. The muscles get little tears in them and then they hold water.

    Next week will be great. Just hang in there.

  3. Bit of advice, TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS! Girl I did the 30 Day Shred (with a few...ahem...days of rest) and at the end of December I'd only lost 0.8 lbs. THE WHOLE FREAKING MONTH! Then I checked my measurements...down 3.5 inches. That made it worth it, ensured I wouldn't give up. The scale isn't always the most important, so keep smiling!

  4. I had the same thing happen to me 2 meetings ago. Even though I was a model weight watcher, I had a Salty soup lunch and was up .8 at weighin. Fortunately the woman who weighed me asked (after I freaked out) whether I had had anything salty. Then she said to really watch my sodium the following week, especially after Wednesday. At my next weighin I was down 3lb! I didn't do anything different than the week before except watch that salt. I've never lost that much in one week, I'm sure the scale was reflecting my combined weightloss for the TWO weeks. I guess this is how we learn, right?

    And I agree about the measurements, and also you progress photos. The tape measure don't lie and neither does the camera!


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