Friday, January 14, 2011


Hey! So I did not have time to make a video today and I definitly don't have time to edit one because I have been working on my sleep and getting in 8 hours a day. Plus, I have to wake up at 7 every day because starting monday I am going to be babysitting my nephew from 8 to 6 every day so I need to trick my body into thinking 7 is normal! So I am off to bed but I will be back tomorrow!

Today, I did really good on my eating coming in at my 41 points plus points! I've been using my amazing weight watcher scale it is saving my life. I got all my fruits and veggies in too :) woot woot! I did not get to the gym tonight but since I am waking up at 7 I am going to head over to the gym nice and early! I'm really trying to center in on my in i'm trying to get some!

School started again yesterday so I am just trying to create a routine to make things easier to plan meals and exercise so I can stick to my plan with no excuse of life getting in the way because guess's always going to be in the way if you let it! So I am off to catch some zzz's but I'll have a video for you tomorrow,


  1. Routine is key. But so is sleep - so make sure you get plenty of shut eye. So glad you are doing well. Are you using the new weight watchers point system?

  2. sleep is good . . . .I love sleep! I'm about ready to go get some sleep right now, except that it's only 6:30 pm. bah humbug!


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